Be a professional Rummy Player

Millions of rummy players play online rummy but most of them are illiterate when it comes to the rummy terms. So spend some time to know the basic and deepest rummy terms and glossary to stand ahead when compared with your fellow players and be a professional rummy player. Following are some of the many rummy terms.


A player declares when he or she finishes the objective of the game by making his hand of cards into desired sequences and sets.


The one who deals the card at the beginning of the every hand is known or called as the dealer.


Players need to draw a card from the Open or Closed decks during their turn and then have to keep a card (which they prefer as less important to make sets or sequences) facing up to the Open deck.


When the players want to play a game, a certain number of chips are deducted from their accounts in both the formats of free and cash games. When the player wins a table, similarly a certain number of chips will be added to their accounts.


Normally, online rummy is played on a virtual table with two to six players. Players will be directed to the table on clicking the button ‘Play’.

Deck of Cards

The rummy game will be played using a standard deck or pack of cards that typically contain 52 cards with 13 ranks. In addition to this, a wild card that is referred as Joker card will be added to the deck.


In online Rummy, players have the flexibility to quit or leave the game whenever they want during their turn merely by clicking on the ‘Drop’ button.


13 cards that are randomly distributed to a player at the beginning of the game is called as the ‘Hand’.

Pure Sequence

A group of three or more successive cards of the same suit formed without using a Joker is referred as a Pure Sequence.

Impure Sequence

A group of three or more successive cards of the same suit formed using a Joker is referred as an Impure Sequence.


A group of three or four cards of the same rank with different suits is known as a Set.